Welcome to the St. Teresa of Avila Hot Lunch Website
This website is for parents, guardians and staff to access ordering options for hot lunch and fundraisers.
To access our Fundraiser website, click the "Login" button at the top left of this page and select our school name from the drop down menu. Sign in using the same username and password as you do for Hot Lunch.
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience.
All Hot Lunch and Fundraising orders must be paid via PayPal OR cash is now accepted at the office but it MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE FORM.
If you do not have a PayPal account, simply sign in as a "Guest". The school will not be accepting debit or credit, sorry for any inconvenience.
If you are experiencing any problems with this website or your account, please contact the School Advisory Council at:
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